s new shares to be traded on 24 December 2012

Additional listed securities Subject : BTS's new shares to be traded on 24 December 2012 Company name : BTS GROUP HOLDINGS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED (BTS) Old capital (baht) : 42,995,813,696.00 - Common stock (Unit: shares) : 10,748,953,424 Number of additional shares : - Common stock (Unit: shares) : 84,374,997 New capital (baht) : 43,333,313,684.00 - Common stock (Unit: shares) : 10,833,328,421 Par value (baht per share) : 4.00 Allocated for : holders of convertible debentures the principal amount of 432,000,000 Baht Conversion ratio (baht per share) : 5.12 Conversion date : From 11-Dec-2012 to 19-Dec-2012 Trading date : 24-Dec-2012 ______________________________________________________________________