News Alert on Notification of Intention to Exercise BTS-W2 (Last Exercise) until November 8, 2013

The Company would like to alert the news on the exercise of rights to purchase ordinary shares of the Company under the Warrants BTS-W2 for the Last Exercise. The BTS-W2 warrant holders can notify the intention to exercise the Warrants BTS-W2 for another 3 days during 8.30 hrs. - 15.30 hrs. of November 6, 7 and 8, 2013 with the Agent Receiving Exercise Intention, Phatra Securities Public Company Limited, at 8/F Muang Thai-Phatra Office Tower 1, 252/6 Ratchadapisek Road, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310, Thailand. It is noted that for the BTS-W2 warrant holders who do not exercise their rights within this last exercise period, pursuant to the terms of the BTS-W2 Terms and Conditions, the warrant holders shall be considered as they do not wish to exercise their rights and their Warrants BTS-W2 shall be nullified without being exercised. The Warrants BTS-W2 will expire and will be delisted from the Stock Exchange of Thailand from November 12, 2013 onwards. If you have any enquiries, please contact Phatra Securities Public Company Limited, telephone no. +662-305-9000 Ext. 9381, 9390, 9391. ______________________________________________________________________ This announcement was prepared and disseminated by listed company or issuer through the electronic system which is provided for the purpose of dissemination of the information and related documents of listed company or issuer to the Stock Exchange of Thailand only. The Stock Exchange of Thailand has no responsibility for the correctness and completeness of any statements, figures, reports or opinions contained in this announcement, and has no liability for any losses and damages in any cases. In case you have any inquiries or clarification regarding this announcement, please directly contact listed company or issuer who made this announcement.