Relevant Policies and ESG Disclosures

To follow the Company’s vision – ‘to serve our community with unique and sustainable solutions that greatly contributes to an improved life’, BTS Group has announced sustainability-related policies as guidelines for our three core businesses: MOVE, MIX and MATCH to comply and implement.

Sustainability Policy

BTS Group believes that our nature of business can serve as a means to mitigate potential environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks as well as to create new opportunities. BTS Group is committed to mitigating environmental impacts, contributing to community development, economic growth and strong governance by applying sustainability principles and practices as a guideline on how BTS Group operates. The group-wide Sustainability Policy sets out commitments and disclosure in accordance with Sustainable Development objectives, in order to contribute to positive ESG impact and value to all stakeholders.


In FY 2020/21, BTS Group made a successful progress in developing and endorsing our group-wide Environmental Management Policy that covers BTS Group’s subsidiaries. The policy provides guidelines and approaches on how BTS Group companies conduct business by taking considerations of environmental impacts that align with our vision and mission for sustainable development as well as to be part of infrastructural development that serves everyone. The group-wide Environmental Management Policy covers employees, suppliers and contractors, and all other relevant stakeholders.


BTS Group places importance on stakeholders by respecting their rights, and treating stakeholders with fairness and transparency. Stakeholders include people who are affected by the Company, those who may impact the Group business, as well as those interested in our business. The BTS Group has defined, identified and analysed stakeholders as 7 categories of people and entities. BTS Group has formulated customised methods of engagement and disclosure of information, which meet particular needs of stakeholders. This is to acknowledge, understand and suit their interests and expectations, as well as using feedback for our decision-making processes and in our operations.


Human Rights

BTS Group respects human rights and equal employment practices. In FY 2017/18, BTS Group has announced its Human Rights Policy, which was updated in FY 2020/21 to meet new emerging challenges. The Human Rights Policy complies with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Bill of Human Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Given this, BTS Group aims to manage diversity in the workplace with equality and fairness as indicated in the Business Code of Conduct, regardless of gender, age, education, nationality, race, color, religion or citizenship.

Human Rights Risk Assessment and Due Diligence Process are also in place to ensure that the way BTS Group does business abides by the principles of human rights protection and mitigation. Moreover, communication channels to receive information and complaints related to human rights issues are provided to come up with proper preventative and remediation guidelines.


BTS Group places great importance on supply chain management in the same manner as business operations by ensuring sustainability in all aspects. BTS Group operates its supply chain based on its Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Business Conduct and recognition towards the environment and society to prevent any risk that may directly and indirectly affect the Group’s image and operations via our supply chain. The Supplier Code of Conduct ensures that all of the Group’s suppliers comply with good business practices as expected by the Group.


At BTS Group, we enhance a diverse organizational culture to build a better tomorrow. We believe that organizations with sustainable growth are driven by an inclusive culture and a diverse workforce. We aim to create a qualified team where everyone belongs and has equal opportunities. We also inspire our talent to be their true selves, along with respecting the rights of others, for our future, for better tomorrow. With this BTS Group, has no incidences of discrimination and harassment reviewed in the last fiscal year.


Climate-related disclosure is important for BTS Group to meet growing expectations of investors and other stakeholders, to future-proof the business against future climate-related risks and to demonstrate leadership through external sustainability frameworks. BTS Group has developed a forward-looking plan to address climate risks and opportunities in line with the company’s strategic priorities.


The preservation and protection of biodiversity is the foundation for our future.
